What Is a Whole House Air Purifier

What Is a Whole House Air Purifier?

Indoor air quality is important for staying healthy, especially for people with allergies or asthma. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air. Whole-house air purifiers offer a complete solution to this issue. 

This article explains how whole-house air purifiers work. You'll learn about their benefits and how they keep your air pure. Read the full article to learn more!


Understanding Whole House Air Purifiers

A whole-house air purifier is a device that cleans the air in your entire home. It links to your (HVAC) system, blending smoothly with your existing setup.

Here's how it operates: The HVAC unit receives air from your rooms via return ducts. It then passes through filters that trap particles. Some systems use UV light to kill germs or electrostatic filters to capture smaller particles. After cleaning, the air goes back into your rooms through supply vents.

The purifier cleans the air each time your heating and cooling system runs. This keeps your air fresh and maintains the right temperature.

There are two main types of whole-house purifiers:

  • Filter-Based Purifiers: These use special filters to capture airborne dirt. They connect to your heating system and require frequent replacement.
  • Duct-Based Purifiers: These are installed in your air ducts and purify the air using light or electricity. They're simpler to maintain and cover larger areas. You can use them by running your fan, even if the heater or AC is off.


Types of Filters in Whole House Air Purifiers

Flat Filters

Also known as panel filters, these are generally basic filters. They are made with thick fibers that catch large particles such as dust, pet hair, and pollen. These filters work like nets, trapping these big particles as air passes. Regular replacement is necessary to maintain their effectiveness.

Extended Media Filters

Extended media filters are quite thick, about 8 inches. They have several layers to filter air. These filters work better than simple flat ones. However, they need a professional for installation into your ductwork.

Electronic Filters Filters

Electronic filters use electricity to catch smaller particles that media filters might miss. They create a small electrical charge that acts like a magnet, attracting and holding onto smoke and fine dust. This makes the air in your home much cleaner.

UV Filters

UV filters use ultraviolet light to kill germs. When air passes through, the bacteria and viruses are exposed to this light. These filters are often used in hospitals to clean the air.


Advantages of Whole House Air Purifiers

When selecting an efficient and safe unit, whole-house air purifiers provide several key benefits:

  1. Protects Your Home: Excessive dust and mold can damage your home. Whole-house air purifiers reduce these risks by filtering the air.
  2. Complete Coverage: These systems clean the air in every room, making sure the whole house gets the same level of air purification.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Many of these purifiers are designed to be eco-friendly. They trap harmful particles without releasing hamful ozone.
  4. Cost-Effective: Whole-house purifiers are a good choice in busy cities. They remove pollutants that cars and sunlight create. They also remove toxins from fires, which is great for changing climates.
  5. Economical: These systems save you money over time. They use less energy and need fewer filter changes. This reduces your energy bills and maintenance costs.
  6. More Efficient: Whole house purifiers clean more air and remove more pollutants than portable units. They get rid of more harmful substances like carbon monoxide.
  7. Less Disruptive: Unlike portable purifiers, whole-house systems are quiet. They won't disturb your sleep or daily activities. They provide fresh air throughout your home without hassle.


Potential Concerns About Whole House Air Purifiers

Despite the benefits, there are safety and effectiveness concerns to keep in mind:

  1. High Costs: Whole-house air purifiers cost a lot. They need to be put into your heating and cooling system. The cost is between $15 and $50 per square foot, which includes the device and the installation.
  2. Limited Pollutant Handling: These systems struggle with some gases and chemicals. Examples include radon, carbon monoxide, and ozone. If they accumulate in your house, these might be dangerous.
  3. Installation Challenges: Installing these purifiers takes a lot of work. Each home has a unique layout, which might need to accommodate the purifier more easily. It’s best to hire a professional installer.


What to Look for in an Air Purifier

  1. Appropriate Room Size: Make sure the purifier fits your room size. It should clean the air several times an hour.
  2. Air Filtering Efficiency: You need a purifier that cleans the air well. Look for one that captures a high percentage of pollutants.
  3. Air Purification Technology: Understand the technology the purifier uses. HEPA filters, activated carbon, and more. Each targets different impurities for cleaner air indoors.
  4. Noise Level: Consider how much noise the purifier makes. Some noise is expected, but it shouldn't be too loud. Remember, quieter isn't always better.
  5. Replacement Parts Cost: Determine the cost of replacing filters and other essential parts. This will allow you to plan for future costs. You can also check the warranty to secure your investment. 
  6. Electricity Costs: Check how much electricity the purifier uses. This affects your electricity bill, so choose one that is energy efficient.
  7. Indicator Lights for Filter Changes: Some purifiers have lights that tell you when to change the filter. This feature is beneficial, though optional.
  8.  Separate Filters: See if the unit has a pre-filter. This can help make the primary filter more effective and last longer.
  9. Size and Look: Consider the size and appearance of the air purifier. It should fit well in your space and match your decor.



Buying a whole-house air purifier is suitable for clean air. It's perfect for big homes or families with health issues. Choose the best system, set it upright, and maintain it. This will give you cleaner air and a healthier home.

Get cleaner air for your entire home with our whole house air purifiers. Say goodbye to dust and allergens. Breathe easier starting today!