What Does An Air Purifier Do

What Does An Air Purifier Do?

As the air outside gets dirtier, remember that the air inside your home might not stay clean and safe anymore. This can pose some health risks to people. This is why air purifiers exist now. However, what is their actual function?

Get a better and more precise understanding of what an air purifier is with this article. Discover what it specifically does and how it really works. Use this to learn why you should get one for you and your family.

What Is an Air Purifier? 

It’s a compact device that filters air within a room. It takes out the stuff you don't want in the air. Using an air purifier regularly can make the air in your home better. That's why it's a great tool for people who have allergies.

Things Air Purifiers Remove From the Air

Indoor pollution is made up of particulate matter. Breathing in these tiny particles can cause breathing problems like coughing, wheezing, feeling out of breath, and discomfort in your chest. To fix this, air purifiers clean up the air by removing these bad things.

Specifically, they remove the following: 

  • Common allergens like pollen, pet dander, or mites. 
  • Dust, which can attract dust mites, viruses, and pathogens. 
  • Mold spores that are bad for people with asthma and other lung conditions. 
  • Fine smoke particles are common in areas where you frequently smoke or use a fireplace. 
  • Bad odors and smells can cause discomfort and even dizziness to some extremes. 
  • Harmful chemicals are usually from outside, especially if you live in a heavily populated area. 
  • Bacteria and viruses from sneezing or coughing can cause health issues if acquired. 

How Do They Work? 

Air purifiers work using internal filters and fans. They pull unwanted airborne particles and re-circulate the cleaner air into the room. However, each purifier may use different air filtration and cleansing technologies. There are four main known methods of how these air purifiers work: 

Using HEPA Filters

A High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter collects solid particles and is a gold filtration standard. This filter collects and traps 99.997% of air particles at least 0.3 microns in size. This works with the purifier sucking air into a dense, woven filter. It will then capture the particles within and recirculate purified air in the room by the fan. 

Using Activated Carbon

This catches smells in a room and can also grab other smelly and gassy stuff like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and chemicals. Unlike a HEPA filter, it can soak up chemical vapors too.

Using UV Light

This is a process where the purifier breaks the pollutants apart. The purifier uses UV light to emit non-lethal radiation through a light inside the unit. This destroys bacteria and viruses as the air goes through the purifier. The UV light breaks down their molecular structure. 

Using Ionizers

This works with the use of an electrical charge to neutralize air pollutants. It can be specifically done in two ways: 

  1. The purifier releases negatively charged ions into the air. These cling to the pollutants and cause them to stick to the surrounding surfaces and fall to the ground. 
  2. The purifier draws in air and pollutants. These are trapped inside using a series of charged metal rods or plates. This works like an air filter, except that you need to clean the metal plates. 


Air purifiers are one of the best devices to maintain a clean environment. They purify the air so you don’t inhale polluted and contaminated air indoors. With one, you can avoid getting allergies and respiratory issues. 

Take a look at our air purifier collection for some high-quality units. We offer a wide range of products that you can use to ensure your and your loved one’s health!