How to Choose the Best Air Purifier Machines for Your Home

How to Choose the Best Air Purifier Machines for Your Home

Air purifiers are the best devices for ensuring indoor air quality at home. However, not all purifiers are made equally and have the same qualities. This means that not all purifiers would be effective for your needs. But how exactly do you make sure that a unit is perfect for your needs?

Learn how with this article. It will help you consider important things when choosing the right air purifier for your home. Plus, it will give you useful tips on how to evaluate your choices and make shopping easier.


Factors to Consider When Choosing the Perfect Home Air Purifier

Here are the most important factors and tips you should consider and follow:

Type of Home Air Purifier Machine

First, there are two main types of home air purifiers based on the size and design of coverage they offer. These two are whole-house and room air purifiers, and you can choose one that would be more convenient for your needs. Here’s how they differ:

  • Whole-House Air Purifiers

These are typically installed as part of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit of the house. They’re the type to use if purifiers are needed throughout the house. They’re ideal for people who have special medical needs as they can keep every room clean from pollutants and harmful particles, not just a specific room.

  • Room Air Purifiers

These are designed to clean air in a specific room with a specific area or size. This makes them more effective in removing pollutants and harmful particles from the air. They’re also portable so you can use them in different rooms without having to install them.

Type of Filtration

Different purifiers use different types of filters or filtration systems. They usually have multiple filters, so they can filter different airborne particles. Aside from the pre-filters that come in purifiers, these filters are the most effective in trapping and removing particles from the air:

  • HEPA Filters

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are the most effective type. They can remove 99.97% of particles with sizes of 0.3 microns, such as dust, smoke, mold, pollen, pet dander, and more. Look for True HEPA or H13 Medical-Grade HEPA filters. They’re specially designed and have been proven effective in filtering out particles.

  • Activated Carbon Filters

These filters can remove odors, chemicals, gases, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). If you struggle with smoke and bad odor at home, look for this filter type. They’re also commonly used with HEPA filters to make purifiers more effective.

  • Ultraviolet (UV) Filters

These remove bacteria, germs, and viruses from the air, which is why UV technologies are commonly found in hospitals. However, make sure that your purifier has other filters as well, aside from UV filters, to make sure it’s effective in ensuring indoor air quality.

Room Size and CADR

Make sure to consider the size of the room where you plan to use the air purifier. Measure the size of the room and compare that to the indicated coverage area of the purifier. You can also consider sizing up to ensure the purifier can quickly work in smaller rooms.

Aside from the indicated coverage area, check the clean air delivery rate (CADR) rating as well. In some instances, purifiers have this rating only without any indicated coverage area. This rating is expressed in cubic feet per minute and pertains to the volume of air it can effectively clean per minute.

There’s a ⅔ rule of thumb when checking this rating. This means that the CADR number is equal to two-thirds of the space's square footage. For instance, if your room has an area of 300 square feet, look for a CADR of 200 or higher.

Noise Level

Aside from being effective, it’s also important that the purifier won’t disturb anyone while it’s running. This means that it shouldn’t make too much noise that people in the house can tolerate, especially at night and in the bedroom. Don’t worry, as there are quiet units that are still powerful and effective.

To check this, look at the purifier's specified noise levels, focusing particularly on its maximum level. For your reference, a noise rating of around 50 decibels roughly sounds like the quiet hum of a refrigerator. But anything around 60 decibels can be as loud as a normal conversation between two people with a one-meter distance in between.

For a quiet air purifier, make sure that its maximum noise level is around 50 decibels only. But if you can tolerate louder noises or if you’ll be using the purifier when you’re not in the room, you can still opt for levels around 60 decibels. However, take note that anything higher than that will surely be loud and disruptive.

Maintenance and Filter Replacement

A purifier is only effective as long as its filters are effective. This means the filters can still trap and remove particles in the air. But you can never use just one set of filters forever; you need to change them from time to time. When checking what filters a unit has, check the maintenance requirements of these filters.

For instance, pre-filters and some carbon filters are usually washable so you won’t need to buy replacements regularly. On the other hand, HEPA filters aren’t so you’d need to clean them regularly and replace them from time to time. You can clean them to extend their life by gently brushing or vacuuming their surfaces to prevent the clogging of particles.

For easy maintenance, look for a unit with a filter status indicator. This feature will let you know when to clean or replace the unit filters.

Cost (Including Maintenance)

Your needs aren’t the only considerations when choosing and buying an air purifier. You also need to consider your buying capabilities, specifically the cost of the unit. Do you have a budget you want to maintain? Or how much are you willing to spend on a quality purifier? It’s best to decide on this ahead of time. It would make choosing easier and faster for you.

Additionally, consider the ongoing maintenance costs. Some filters may need to be replaced every three to six months, which means you’ll also have to spend money every three to six months. Ultimately, this would depend on the filters used by the purifier and how frequently you use the unit. Consider this when choosing the type of filtration you want your purifier to have and deciding on a budget.

Energy Consumption

In general, air purifiers don’t use a lot of electricity. However, this can vary depending on the size of the room, the performance of the purifier, the duration of use, and the specific model. Choosing an energy-efficient purifier is best so you can use it without burdening your electricity bill.

One way to ensure energy efficiency is to get a unit that’s designed to work on a specific room size or area. A purifier designed for small rooms will extensively consume more energy when used in larger rooms. It will also be noisy and this overworking can even cause it to malfunction and break down.

Another way to ensure energy efficiency is to check if the purifier has an Energy Star certification. This would mean the purifier meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Additional and Smart Features

To get the most out of your purifier and money, it’s best to consider any additional or smart features a purifier has to offer. For the best results and performance, you can consider looking for the following features:

  • Sensors and Timers

Sensors will allow the purifiers to determine how bad or good the air quality is. This will allow you to determine and adjust the unit settings. Some will even have automatic functions that will adjust the speed of the purifier to suit the quality of the air. At the same time, timers will allow you to control how long the unit will be running. A timer will automatically turn off after the specified time.

  • Wi-Fi Apps and Remote Controls

There are purifiers with smart features that allow you to monitor and control the unit through a remote or mobile application. This feature makes any purifier easy to use.

  • Night or Sleep Mode

This feature ensures that the purifier works in the quietest setting at night, allowing you to enjoy clean air even when sleeping. Some night modes may even have lighting features that turn on once the mode is selected. This way, your room will have enough light if you ever wake up in the middle of the night.



The best air purifier machine is the one with your preferred features that will work effectively in your room. Consider all the key factors mentioned above to ensure you get the right home machine. Weigh all the pros and cons of your options and choose the one that would work best for your needs and budget.

You can check out our air purifier collection for some quality options. We offer different types of purifiers with different features for competitive prices!